

A journal of life & love after massive life change. Growing through what we go through.

Gold Star

Gold Star

Had a day of rest ⭐️⁣
Washed my hair ⭐️⁣
Said “no” to work that didn’t fit ⭐️⁣
Folded laundry that had been in a basket for 4 days ⭐️⁣
Cried, and cried well ⭐️⁣
Had 3 non-work related calls ⭐️⁣
Wrote a difficult email ⭐️⁣
Had a zoom meeting with my lawyer ⭐️⁣
Exercised 4 days for my mental health ⭐️⁣
Didn’t exercise 3 days for my mental health ⭐️⁣
Apologized quicker than normal when I was wrong ⭐️⁣
Wrote a blog post ⭐️⁣
Didn’t reply to a mean message ⭐️ ⁣
Stopped viewing being “unstable” as a negative thing but rather as the natural response it is ⭐️⁣
Didn’t weigh myself ⭐️⁣
Reduced my time on my phone by 2 hours a day ⭐️⁣
Got more comfortable with uncomfortable emotions ⭐️⁣

For all who feel like they haven’t been “productive enough” with all this “extra time”, remember all that you HAVE done that deserves recognition and ⭐️gold stars⭐️, even when it doesn’t feel like it. ⁣

This week I felt up and down, like I hadn’t done enough. ⁣
So I made this list. ⁣
And honestly, I feel better. ⁣
Not because I validated how much I did. ⁣
But because I could also validate how much I didn’t do, in its equal importance. ⁣

And you know, I don’t need to see your lists to say to you, confidently:⁣
You’re doing great sweeties ⭐️
Gold star. Keep up the good work.

The Escape Artist

The Escape Artist

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