An ever-evolving conversation around periods, Bloody Btches brings menstruation to the forefront of their work. To normalize them, discuss them over social media, share and encourage the sharing of period stories and, finally and most importantly - to create awareness around period poverty. With the current state of the world, period poverty has hit harder than ever, making it super difficult for many people to have access to pads, tampons, cups, etc. Nayanka and Zoe met in college and since then have been researching and exploring ways to help our lower-income communities that don't have access to menstrual products. Can you imagine having to pick food over pads?!Their work is fascinating, informative and truly transforming lives as they have worked to become this non-profit organization with periods at the center of it all.
You can follow, get involved and learn so much more from @BloodyBtches on IG!