

A journal of life & love after massive life change. Growing through what we go through.

Episode 55: The One About PRIDE With Krystian Gabrielle

Krystian is a proud wife and mom to an adorable 2 year old son. Oh, and she’s also a black woman, a gay woman, and in a bi-racial relationship raising a bi-racial son. Krystian sits down to share with us how it’s been for her and her family during the BLM movement in combination with Pride month, raising a son in today's world, and how she believes we can all be better with just one simple thing: LOVE. 

Follow along with Krystian on @Krystian_Gabrielle

Episode 56: The One Where We Love Our Bodies Through The Power Of Sweat With Beverley Cheng

Episode 54: The One About Being Awesome, Even If You Get Hit By A Car with The Alison Show!