

A journal of life & love after massive life change. Growing through what we go through.

Episode 45: The One About Sobriety With Jon Lupin, The Poetry Bandit

Known as “The Poetry Bandit”, Jon Lupin takes us through his journey to sobriety and how he surprisingly became a poet in the process. Now 5 years sober, Jon shares his incredible story through alcoholism, divorce and authoring THREE poetry books.  With a growing and popular social media, this newly single dad of 3 makes it easy to talk about one of the more uncomfortable things to talk about: being social, and being sober. 

Jon’s 3 books Encyclopedia of a Broken Heart, You Only Love Me When I’m Suffering & My Sober Little Moon are all available on Amazon, and you can find Jon @The_PoetryBandit for daily snippets of his work and inspiration.

Episode 46: The One About Having Better Sex With Dr. Lori Brotto

Episode 44: The One About Tapping Into Inner Confidence With Raia “Coach” Carey