

A journal of life & love after massive life change. Growing through what we go through.

Episode 41: The One About Divorce, Remarriage & Cultural Boundaries With Huda Alvi

If you visit Huda Alvi’s Instagram page you’ll see the words “Brown Girl Breaking Stigmas One Caption At A Time”, and this conversation with her is no different. Huda takes us through her own journey through marriage, divorce, the impact of it all on her family and then remarriage with a blended family. Huda is a wealth of life experience, and perspective that not many of us are often aware of when it comes to racial and cultural differences on topics as simple as dating, and as devastating as divorce. These conversations aren’t always comfortable to have, but Huda navigates them oh-so-well. She’s smart, honest, and approachable. 

Follow Huda on IG @HudaAlvi, as well as the company she co-founded @The.Girls.Trip

Episode 42: The One About Explanting With Roxanne West

Episode 40: The One Where We Talk Mom Truths With Cat & Nat!