

A journal of life & love after massive life change. Growing through what we go through.

Time Was Not Given To Us To Just Wait

Time Was Not Given To Us To Just Wait

My absolute favourite song is about a woman who waits. Waits on someone else. ⁣

She holds off her life for him. ⁣
Stands by the door for him. ⁣
Keeps herself from love for him. ⁣
Chasing something that is not for her. ⁣

All the while, there’s someone who does want her. ⁣
To love her. To hold her. To stand by her. ⁣
And she misses it. ⁣
Because she’s too focused on what she doesn’t have. ⁣

I’ve listened to this song for 20 years. ⁣
I’ve always heard it as a lost love song. ⁣

I never heard it for the story of the woman and wait and her chase. ⁣

So I listened to it differently this time. ⁣
I removed the men from the equation and left her. ⁣
Why was she so beholden to something else, something more, when she had so much right in front of her?⁣

Recognizing how much I’ve done this over the years. ⁣
How many times I chase what’s next or what’s better instead of seeing and cherishing what is in front of me.⁣

Goals and ambitions are fantastic. ⁣
Fighting for more in life is what keeps us going. ⁣

But what is enough?⁣
When do we feel it’s ever enough? ⁣
If we feel we’ve done enough, are enough, does that stop us from becoming more?⁣

“Enough is a decision, not an amount” - @thealisonshow

We can be enough and we can become more. ⁣
We can appreciate what we have, who we have, where we are, as we navigate the roads we have not yet. ⁣

But our hearts rely on us being here. ⁣
Present. Willing. Grateful. ⁣

The second we are only looking at the hilltops wondering what’s on the other side, we’ve lost the view, we’ve lost the vision. ⁣

Time was not given to us to just wait. ⁣
Time is here. ⁣
Present, beautiful, here.

I'm Being Targeted By Pregnancy Weight Loss Ads

I'm Being Targeted By Pregnancy Weight Loss Ads

Self Love Is Not A Destination

Self Love Is Not A Destination