

A journal of life & love after massive life change. Growing through what we go through.

The Moment We Found Out

The Moment We Found Out

This is the moment we found out. ⁣

It was Mother’s Day, of all days. ⁣

I hadn’t suspected pregnancy like I had so many times before (which is why I had a test on hand).⁣

So that evening, after Shane had made me a Mother’s Day dinner, I walked to the bathroom and saw the test sitting there, and chose to take it, not really thinking much of it. ⁣

I’d envisioned a million ways how this would happen. How I would surprise Shane with this kind of news. ⁣

But in that moment, I just raced to him and handed him the test. I think we needed to genuinely have that moment to digest. It lasted for 2 minutes and then we called our Moms. ⁣

Many have asked why I didn’t share earlier, perhaps to help with the stigmas around miscarriage. And truly, I’d always planned to. I always thought I would. But, with the times, we hadn’t even had the pregnancy confirmed until a week ago. I haven’t been to the midwives yet, just phone calls and awaiting tests. The ultrasound was the first time we knew it was real. ⁣

So that brings us here. I’m 11 weeks today, and due mid January 2021. ⁣

We still have many tests to come(some due to my age) and will continue to share about this pregnancy. ⁣

But, this is one facet of my life. ⁣
It will not be all of my content and all I talk about. It’s just the most real thing for us right now. ⁣

I can’t predict what my content will be like, I never have been able to do that anyhow. But, I CAN promise you it will be genuine, every step of the way. Every bump and hurdle of it. ⁣


Actually "Having Fun In The Summer Sun"

Actually "Having Fun In The Summer Sun"

The First Trimester: From Conception To Deception

The First Trimester: From Conception To Deception