Rest doesn’t end up on the front of t-shirts. Rest isn’t a topic we go and listen to inspirational speeches on. Rest isn’t written about enough, made into quotes, printed on paper, framed in frames and hung on walls.
Hustle, is.
Working so hard it hurts, is.
Productivity, is.
Burnout is a missed reaction.
Burnout is too late.
Last year, the World Health Organization recognized and classified burnout as an official medical disorder and included it in the International Classification of Diseases.
Studies show 75% of workers experience burnout, women more likely than men.
Rest prevents burnout.
Rest breeds productivity.
Rest keeps us going.
It’s ok to love the hustle, I mean, I feel like it keeps me mentally and creatively going sometimes.
Glamorize it, only if you’re willing to glamorize it’s equally important counterpart of rest.
Today, I choose rest.
Every email ping a challenge.
Every moment of comparison a test.
Every ounce of guilt a realization.
How badly, I need this rest.
There is no light without dark.
There is no productivity without rest.
Because resting easy, is part of working hard.