

A journal of life & love after massive life change. Growing through what we go through.

It's All Happening Right Now

It's All Happening Right Now

Here’s the thing. NO part of me WANTED to have my cellulite seen by a large group of friends. It’s natural. It’s normal. I KNOW. That doesn’t give me the desire or the confidence. It fights against it, actually. ⁣

Here’s the magic: it made no difference in my existence today. Having cellulite. Stretch marks. A body that isn’t confirming to societal standards in every way? Well, it meant nothing. ⁣

Why is that? Well. Because I refuse to let it hold me back from it all. I refuse to let something so UNIMPORTANT somehow roadblock me from experiences that are once in a lifetime. ⁣

And let me be clear: every moment is once in a lifetime. It’s all happening right now. In every situation. In every moment. ⁣

Sometimes when it comes to breaking free from the thoughts around our bodies, it comes down to a simple fight: we choose to exist, to show up, for these once in a lifetime moments. ⁣

The audacity!! ⁣

Oh it’s all so freaking freeing. ⁣

(And just so you know- no part of me wants to post this picture. But by freaking DAMN let it create the ripples we need it to. Normalize the sh*t out of it all. Because I’m not going back into the boxes I already broke out of).

Uncovering Shame

Uncovering Shame

Both Are Worthy Of Respect

Both Are Worthy Of Respect